Basecamp Hip Flask
SilverAnt strives to build products to last a lifetime. Their values are centered around a passion for the outdoors, quality craftsmanship, innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity.
They takes pride in producing the best titanium outdoor gear and believe in constantly innovating and improving.
In addition to having a product focus, SilverAnt is also committed to sustainability and reducing our impact on the environment. They are very aware that their multicultural perspective helps to create better products and foster a more inclusive outdoor community.
To ensure ease of use, the SilverAnt hip flask uses a handy flip mechanism housing the flask's cap. With this design, you won’t lose the lid as it is secure inside the housing. The hip flask's cap has a food-grade silicone seal inside making it leakproof. Place the titanium flask upside down or sideways without the risk of losing your drink. With all purchases, you also receive a titanium funnel for easy pouring.
Titanium is the perfect material for a hip flask because it is biocompatible, non-toxic, and non-allergenic. This means the flavor of your favorite drink will never be impaired. Titanium will not deteriorate over time in contrast to stainless steel and plastic. This gives peace of mind that you are using a product that is 100% safe. No harmful chemicals ever and a promise of great-tasting alcohol every sip.For those that are looking for a strong, ultralight, and robust container.
Use the flask to store olive oil, water, vinegar, etc, or whatever meets your needs best. Whether you drink alcohol or not, a titanium hip flask is a great choice for your camping and hiking gear.
5.9" x 3.7"
99.7% Pure Grade 1 Titanium
Paracord loop and anodized carabiner
Silicone leakproof seal
Uncoated and unlined surface
Single-wall construction
Non-toxic and non-allergenic
Daily thermal carry sleeve
Made in China
SilverAnt strives to build products to last a lifetime. Their values are centered around a passion for the outdoors, quality craftsmanship, innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity.
They takes pride in producing the best titanium outdoor gear and believe in constantly innovating and improving.
In addition to having a product focus, SilverAnt is also committed to sustainability and reducing our impact on the environment. They are very aware that their multicultural perspective helps to create better products and foster a more inclusive outdoor community.
To ensure ease of use, the SilverAnt hip flask uses a handy flip mechanism housing the flask's cap. With this design, you won’t lose the lid as it is secure inside the housing. The hip flask's cap has a food-grade silicone seal inside making it leakproof. Place the titanium flask upside down or sideways without the risk of losing your drink. With all purchases, you also receive a titanium funnel for easy pouring.
Titanium is the perfect material for a hip flask because it is biocompatible, non-toxic, and non-allergenic. This means the flavor of your favorite drink will never be impaired. Titanium will not deteriorate over time in contrast to stainless steel and plastic. This gives peace of mind that you are using a product that is 100% safe. No harmful chemicals ever and a promise of great-tasting alcohol every sip.For those that are looking for a strong, ultralight, and robust container.
Use the flask to store olive oil, water, vinegar, etc, or whatever meets your needs best. Whether you drink alcohol or not, a titanium hip flask is a great choice for your camping and hiking gear.
5.9" x 3.7"
99.7% Pure Grade 1 Titanium
Paracord loop and anodized carabiner
Silicone leakproof seal
Uncoated and unlined surface
Single-wall construction
Non-toxic and non-allergenic
Daily thermal carry sleeve
Made in China
SilverAnt strives to build products to last a lifetime. Their values are centered around a passion for the outdoors, quality craftsmanship, innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity.
They takes pride in producing the best titanium outdoor gear and believe in constantly innovating and improving.
In addition to having a product focus, SilverAnt is also committed to sustainability and reducing our impact on the environment. They are very aware that their multicultural perspective helps to create better products and foster a more inclusive outdoor community.
To ensure ease of use, the SilverAnt hip flask uses a handy flip mechanism housing the flask's cap. With this design, you won’t lose the lid as it is secure inside the housing. The hip flask's cap has a food-grade silicone seal inside making it leakproof. Place the titanium flask upside down or sideways without the risk of losing your drink. With all purchases, you also receive a titanium funnel for easy pouring.
Titanium is the perfect material for a hip flask because it is biocompatible, non-toxic, and non-allergenic. This means the flavor of your favorite drink will never be impaired. Titanium will not deteriorate over time in contrast to stainless steel and plastic. This gives peace of mind that you are using a product that is 100% safe. No harmful chemicals ever and a promise of great-tasting alcohol every sip.For those that are looking for a strong, ultralight, and robust container.
Use the flask to store olive oil, water, vinegar, etc, or whatever meets your needs best. Whether you drink alcohol or not, a titanium hip flask is a great choice for your camping and hiking gear.
5.9" x 3.7"
99.7% Pure Grade 1 Titanium
Paracord loop and anodized carabiner
Silicone leakproof seal
Uncoated and unlined surface
Single-wall construction
Non-toxic and non-allergenic
Daily thermal carry sleeve
Made in China